Personal Assistant Pro Cloud

Get Personal Assistant Pro Cloud as part of DentalMaster plan

The most important information to know when choosing an animation-bank software is how long it will take you to find the relevant animation when sitting in front of your patient. 

Therefore, we especially invested in a strong and customizable search engine.

This software allows you or your staff to easily explain and the patient to visualize and understand even the most complex procedures.

Personal Assistant Pro Cloud is the best 3D animations collection software for patient education. It includes a bank of up to 400 dental procedure animations in high-resolution and can significantly save valuable time and increase case-acceptance.

Personal Assistant Sp Cloud is a special limited version with 60 selected 3D animations from the Personal Assistant Pro.

Some Options

  • Up to 400 animations of most common dental procedures (depending on your subscription version)
  • Strong customizable search engine
  • Possibility to compare up to 4 animations simultaneously
  • Insert your tag, names or reference in any language to create your unique Group or reference  for quick access using the search system.

Check all the animations included in
the Personal Assistant

Tip 1

The most important issue when searching for the relevant animation is how much time it will take, therefor we added the options for tags.
You can add tags to the animations. This will make searching for the animation easier and faster next time you need it, by entering the tag in the search engine.
This will also allow you to create groups of animations, usually shown together, without the need to search for each one individually.

Tip 2

You can compare up to 4 animations at a time. They can be paused or played simultaneously.

Tip 3

Some videos can be sent to patients for home review. They are the videos under the folder
“Animations to start 1”.